Sunday, October 28, 2007


It is probably a long, long time since either one of us updated on this blog. Many apologies to our readers from afar for this unprompted hiatus. We have both been rather caught up with our work, personal matters and also trying to spend as much time as possible to be together. Lucky us, God has been rather graceful to us, allowing us to have the luxury to spend time more then what we can ask for.

A little flashback to what has happened, I had a little birthday celebration over the weekend with boyfriend sometime during mid October. Although it would have been even more perfect if I can also spend it with my family as well but boyfriend's thoughtfulness and dedication towards my birthday has not disappoint me at all. His every thought and careful planning has only revealed to me how much he loves me and this relationship we have and I am even more glad to be with him.

For my present, boyfriend has given me the latest 8G iPod nano that allows one to watch video and play games on it. I've been hooked on Heroes since then, watching videos from the tiny little screen, squinting my eyes and subsequently getting a headache from “pursuing” too much of Heroes episodes from my iPod (or better known as Ah-Pod to boyfriend). Then we had a peaceful and quiet dinner at a Japanese restaurant at Hajime.

Perhaps the only unfortunate thing is that I did not manage to take any picture to post on the blog. Nevertheless, I am glad to have spent a memorable birthday with him as his beloved. Also, not forgetting my horrible experience at the airport, I missed my flight and had to buy another ticket to return under the advice of a st*pid officer only to realized from another officer that I need not do that. So i guess that makes it 2 unfortunate incident over my birthday weekend. What luck!

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